Adams in Cumberland County PA from 1749 to 1820

Land Records – Warrants
County of Cumberland,
Pennsylvania Archives Series
VOL. XXIV-3rd. Ser.
Adams, Thomas 200 July 29, 1762.
Adams, William 200 July 29, 1762.
Adams, James 100 Dec. 1, 1773.
Adams, Robt., Jr. 50 June 18, 1774.
Adams, Robert 100 March 2, 1775.
Adams, William 451-1/4 Dec. 26, 1783.
Adams, James 100 May 12, 1790.
Adams, William 82 May 25, 1791.
Adams, Robert 50 March 4, 1794.
Adams, Thomas 35 July 1, 1796.
Adams, J & Thos. 168 June 24, 1812.
Adams, Sam’l & Wm. Harkness 102.129 Dec. 28, 1812.
Adams, Jas. & Thos. 350 March 5, 1818.
Adams, Halbert, in trust, &c. 219.108 April 28, 1818.
Adams and potentially allied famalies:
Adams, Abraham July 26, 1814.
Adams, Halbert, in trust, &c. April 28, 1818.
Adams, J & Thos. June 24, 1812.
Adams, James Dec. 1, 1773.
Adams, James May 12, 1790.
Adams, Jas. & Thos. March 5, 1818.
Adams, Robert March 2, 1775.
Adams, Robert March 4, 1794.
Adams, Robt., Jr. June 18, 1774.
Adams, Sam’l & Wm. Harkness Dec. 28, 1812.
Adams, Thomas July 1, 1796.
Adams, Thomas July 29, 1762.
Adams, William Dec. 26, 1783.
Adams, William July 29, 1762.
Adams, William May 25, 1791.
Carothers, Andrew March 22, 1790.
Carothers, James Nov. 22, 1785.
Carothers, James, Sen. Dec. 5, 1786.
Carothers, John March 31, 1767.
Carothers, John, John Lamb, Ex’crs, in tFeb. 17, 1809.
Carothers, John, Esq March 10, 1807.
Carothers, Roger March 28, 1768.
Carothers, Thomas June 6, 1815.
Caruthers, Andrew Dec. 21, 1787.
Caruthers, James April 17, 1789.
Caruthers, James June 10, 1762.
Caruthers, James March 15, 1793.
Caruthers, Robt. Aug. 3, 1750.
Caruthers, Wm., Jun. Dec. 28, 1770.
Capp, Andrew Nov. 14, 1785.
Capp, John, and Jas. Reed Nov. 25, 1785.
Capp, Michael June 7, 1785.
Craig, Eleoner, in trust, &c March 31, 1813.
Craig, John May 24, 1753.
Craig, Robert June 4, 1762.
Craige, Thomas Aug. 23, 1784.
Crocket, Jas. & Geo. June 20, 1785.
Crocket, Wm. Dec. 24, 1771.
Crocket, Wm. Dec. 24, 1771.
Crockett, Andrew June 12, 1786.
Crockett, Andrew Sept. 9, 1785.
Crockett, George June 16, 1786.
Crockett, James June 16, 1786.
Crockett, James Sept. 9, 1785.
Crockett, James, & others, in trust Sept. 9, 1785.
Crockett, Jas., Jr., in trust, etc. Oct. 5, 1786.
Culbertson, Alex’r March 22, 1755.
Culbertson, Alex’r Oct. 25, 1753.
Culbertson, James April 22, 1763.
Culbertson, James Aug. 14, 1751.
Culbertson, James Aug. 14, 1751.
Culbertson, James Aug. 14, 1751.
Culbertson, James Jan. 3, 1794.
Culbertson, James Sept. 4, 1794.
Culbertson, John Jan. 12, 1786.
Culbertson, John May 5, 1794.
Culbertson, John Oct. 28, 1772.
Culbertson, John Sept. 18, 1789.
Culbertson, Joseph Feb. 10, 1763.
Culbertson, Patrick Nov. 19, 1793.
Culbertson, Robert Nov. 20, 1753.
Culbertson, Robt. April 17, 1770.
Culbertson, Robt. Jan. 17, 1775.
Culbertson, Robt. Jan. 18, 1775.
Culbertson, Robt. Sept. 20, 1762.
Culbertson, Sam’l Dec. 31, 1762.
Culbertson, Sam’l July 10, 1752.
Culbertson, Wm. Feb. 23, 1771.
Culbertson. James Jan. 2, 1794.
Donally ,Henry May 27, 1763.
Donelly, William April 1, 1839
Gass, Benjamin May 8, 1751.
Gass, Benj’n & Wm. Oct 1, 1762 – not allied but father of Patrick Gass
Greear, John April 30, 1788.
Green, Andrew June 3, 1763
Green, Andrew June 3, 1763
Green, Andrew June 3, 1763
Green, Edward Sept. 3, 1770
Green, Thomas Aug. 9, 1750.
Green, William Dec. 14, 1785.
Green, William Feb. 20, 1775
Greenlee, Wm. June 3, 1763
Greenwalt, Philip April 10, 1775.
Greer ,Thomas May 5, 1785.
Greer, Andrew Jan. 2, 1761.
Greer, Isaac May 5, 1785.
Greer, Thomas May 25, 1785.
Lindsay, David March 11, 1795.
Lindsay, James Dec. 26, 1783.
Lindsay, John July 28, 1814.
Lindsay, John, Jun Aug. 31, 1774.
Lindsay, Samuel April 16, 1772.
Lindsay, Samuel April 27, 1774.
Lindsay, Samuel Feb. 17, 1774.
Lindsay, Samuel Jan. 17, 1775.
Lindsay, Samuel July 5, 1769.
Lindsey, David, Jun. Jan. 19, 1786
Lindsey, John July 10, 1752.
Lindsey, Samuel July 5, 1769.
Lindsey, Samuel, in trust, etc. Feb. 7, 1817.
Lindsey, William June 3, 1763.
McKee, & Chr’n Higgonden Aug. 22, 1793.
McKee, Alexander May 27, 1763.
McKee, Alexander Sept. 20, 1762.
McKee, Alexander Sept. 5, 1766.
McKee, Andrew Dec. 9, 1784.
McKee, Hugh Aug. 16, 1784.
McKee, Hugh May 18, 1767.
McKee, James April 18, 1782.
McKee, James Aug. 1, 1766.
McKee, James Dec. 11, 1750.
McKee, James March 14, 1811.
McKee, John April 24, 1811.
McKee, John July 30, 1799.
McKee, John June 12, 1786.
McKee, John June 3, 1762.
McKee, John Oct. 20, 1815.
McKee, Robert April 5, 1755.
McKee, Robert Oct. 15, 1792.
McKee, Robt., Jun. June 2, 1762.
McKee, Thomas Aug. 22, 1793.
McKee, Thomas March 5, 1755.
McKee, Thomas March 5, 1755.
McKee, William Aug. 1, 1766.
McKee, William March 19, 1793.
This page will contain raw data on Adams in the area.
Church Records
The Rev. John Conrad Bucher was born, June 10, 1730.
Founded the German Reformed congregation of Carlisle
and other congregations in this area.
1764 May 17 Abraham Adams and Elizabeth McCormick
1766 Apr. 3 Thomas Adams and Jane Shaw
1767 June 9 Samuel Adams and Margreth Fleming
hese records were taken from “CHURCHES OF THE VALLEY” published in 1852.
The book is an Historical Sketch of the Old Presbyterian congregations
in Cumberland and Franklin Counties, Pa. by Rev. Alfred Nevin.
“We the members of the Congregation of Big Spring, do hereby bind and
oblige ourselves annually to pay Mr. Samuel Wilson, Preacher of the Gospel,
on his being ordained to be our minister, and for his discharge of the
duties of said office, the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds,
Pennsylvania Currency, in specie, and allow him the use of the dwelling
house, barn, and all the clear land of the glebe, possessed by our former
minister, also plenty of timber for rails and firewood, likewise a
sufficient security for the payment of the above-mentioned sums during
his incumbency. As witness our hands:
Adams, William
Lindsey, Samuel
Lindsey, William
This church was organized about 1735 when this section “across the river”
belonged to Lancaster County and in 1750 was became Cumberland County.
The first Presbyterian churches of the Cumberland Valley were erected near
a spring or stream of water, and from their location they derived their
name. Big Spring church was first called Hopewell Church. Neighboring
Presbyterian churches were Rocky Spring Church and Middle Spring Church.
Across the river was evidently beyond the Susquehanna River and near the
Pennsboro District. Rev. Thomas Craighead was pastor of Big Spring Church
in 1738. He passed away about a year later while delivering a sermon at the
church and his remains rest where the church now stands. Big Spring was
connected with Middle Spring and Rocky Spring, as a charge then for some
years. Ministers complained that many of their members were moving
farther west.
Clarence M. Busch. State Printer of Pennsylvania, 1895.
Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, Volume 8.
[Page numbers shown in brackets.
Listing is as shown in this volume.
Listings are NOT always alphabetical.]
1792, April 6, Adams, Esther, and Joseph Neily.
1793, Nov. 12, Adams, Joseph, and ____ ____.
1806, Sept. 9, Adams, Martha, and Nathaniel Jones.
1804, Jan. 12, Adams, Samuel, and Mary Porter.
1812, June 11, Carothers, Andrew, and Catharirie Loudon.
1809, March 14, Carothers, Eliz., and Erasmus Holzapel.
1800, Sept. 17, Carothers, James, Jun , and Johanna Maria Kline.
1792, Feb. 2, Carothers, Jared, and Nancy Bow.
1808, Sept. 13, Carothers, John, and Patty Quigley.
1788, Jan. 10, Carothers, John, and Polly Holmes.
1803, Nov. 10, Carothers, Polly, and James Grayson.
1789, Sept. 29, Carothers, Rogers, and Sarah Penwell.
1812, March 31, Carothers, William, and Fanny Clark.
1793, April 4, Culbertson, Joseph, and Polly McCune.
1809, June 22, Culbertson, Margaret, and John Johnston.
1807, Dec. 1, Culbertson, Sally, and James Dunlap.
1806, March 15, Culbertson, Samuel, and Rebecca Officer.
1798, Sept. 6, Donelly, John, and Dorothy Smith.
1793, Feb. 13, McKee, Daniel, and Mary Stewart.
1798, Nov. 1, McKee, George, and Elizabeth Gregg.
United congregations consisting of Centre & Upper (Blain).
The Perry Historians
Unless otherwise stated names given are usually part of the Centre Presbyterian
Church Congregation.
1778 – 29 Jul, James Ardery and Catherine Adams d/o Robert both of Upper Sherman
1786 – 27 Apr, Thos. Caskadden and Elizabeth Adams
1790 – 21 Jan, Thomas Adams and Jean Morrow
1791 – 17 Feb, John Clark and Sarah Adams
1792 – 5 Apr, Thos. Barrett of Tuscorora and Catherine Adams
1792 – 17 Apr, Joseph McIntire and Anne Adams
1792 – 11 Oct, Wm. Patton of Big Spring and Elizabeth Adams
1793 – 28 Mar, Geo McElwain of Big Spring and Mary Adams
Cemetery Listings
Adams, St. John’s Cemetery, Hampden Twp
Adams, Ashland Cemetery, Carlisle
Adams, Bethel Church Cemetery, Caprivi, N. Middleton Twp
Adams, Big Spring Presby Cemetery, Newville
Adams, Camp Hill Cemetery
Adams, Carlisle Old Graveyard
Adams, Cumberland Valley Memorial Gardens
Adams, LeTort/Kutz Cemetery, Middlesex Twp
Adams, Longsdorf Cemetery, Silver Springs Twp
Adams, Mechanicsburg Cemetery
Adams, Memorial Lutheran Cemetery, Shippensburg
Adams, Miller Cemetery, Middlesex Twp
Adams, Mohler Cemetery, Upper Allen Twp
Adams, Mount Rock Cemetery, W. Pennsboro Twp
Adams, Mt. Holly Cemetery
Adams, Mt. Zion Cemetery, Monroe Twp
Adams, Newville Cemetery
Adams, Prospect Hill Cemetery, Newville
Adams, Rehoboth Cemetery, S. Newton Twp
Adams, Salem Lutheran Church Cemetery, Lower Frankford Twp
Adams, Silver Springs Presby Cemetery
Adams, Spring Hill Cemetery, Shippensburg
Adams, Trindle Springs Cemetery, Silver Spring Twp
Adams, Uriah/Flint Ridge Cemetery, S. Middleton Twp
Adams, Westminster Cemetery
Adams, Westminster Memorial Gardens
Capp, Mechanicsburg Cemetery
Capp, Mt. Zion Cemetery, Monroe Twp
Capp, St. John’s Cemetery, Hampden Twp
Carothers, Bethany Cemetery, Guisetown
Carothers, Carlisle Old Graveyard
Carothers, Carothers Cemetery, W. Pennsboro Twp
Carothers, Dickinson Presby Cemetery
Carothers, Meeting House Springs Cemetery, N. Middleton Twp
Carothers, Mount Rock Cemetery, W. Pennsboro Twp
Carothers, Mt. Holly Cemetery
Carothers, Old Line Cemetery, Dickinson Twp
Carothers, Rehoboth Cemetery, S. Newton Twp
Carothers, Silver Springs Presby Cemetery
Carothers, Spring Hill Cemetery, Shippensburg
Carothers, Westminster Cemetery
Carothers, Westminster Memorial Gardens
Adams Revolutionary War Veterans
Adams, Thomas – inactive duty Militia, rank Pvt. Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, 2nd Battalion, Company 4, class 8th; authority: Class Roll; date Sept. 20, 1780, published A(5)VI, 179-81. “Military Accounts: Militia,” Records of the Comptroller General, RG-4. The basic record does not prove active duty.
Adams, Thomas – inactive duty Militia, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, 7th Battalion, Company: Captain Hurrell(Hubbell?), class 8th; Remarks: Poor man, excused for this tour; authority: Appeal return; date April 23, 1781. “Military Accounts: Militia,” Records of the Comptroller General, RG-4. The basic record does not prove active duty.
Adams, Thomas – inactive duty Militia, rank Pvt. Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, 2nd Battalion, Company 5, class 5th; authority: Class Roll; date Sept. 10, 1781, published A(5)VI, 194-6. “Military Accounts: Militia,” Records of the Comptroller General, RG-4. The basic record does not prove active duty.
Adams, William – inactive duty Militia, rank Pvt. Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, 2nd Battalion, Company 5, class 8th; authority: Class Roll; date Sept. 10, 1781, published A(5)VI, 194-6. “Military Accounts: Militia,” Records of the Comptroller General, RG-4. The basic record does not prove active duty.
Adams, David – active duty militia; Cumberland County, Pennsylvania; rank: Pvt.; Unit: 5th Battalion, 4th Company, Class 5th; Time of service order from: Council dated January 1778; Commander: Captain Thomas Thompson; Duty: served; Authority: Fine Book of John Carothers, Cnty. Lt., p. 128. “Military Accounts,” Records of the Comptroller General, or Auditor General, at D.P.R. The basic record does not prove active duty.
Adams, William – inactive duty Militia; Cumberland County, Pennsylvania; 8th Battalion, 3rd Company, class 7th; Remarks: Appears he is not of age. Authority: Appeal Book; Date: April 10, 1778.“Military Accounts: Militia,” Records of the Comptroller General, RG-4. The basic record does not prove active duty.
Adams, John – inactive duty Militia, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Unit: 1st Battalion 3rd Company, class 7th; Remarks: Over Age (1777-80); Authority: Appeal List. Date: Not dated. “Military Accounts: Militia,” Records of the Comptroller General, RG-4. The basic record does not prove active duty.
Adams, David – active duty Militia; rank: Pvt.; Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Unit: 8th Battalion, 4th Company, class 6th; Time of service order from Council dated January 1778; Company or Commander Lt. Daniel Smith; Duty: served; Authority: Fine book of John Carothars, Cnty. Lt., p. 162. “Military Accounts,” Records of the Comptroller General, or Auditor General, at D.P.R. The basic record proves active duty.
Adams, David – inactive duty Militia, rank Pvt. Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Unit: 1st Battalion, 4th company, 6th class; Authority: Class Roll, Date August 16, 1780; Published A(5)VI. 86-8. “Military Accounts: Militia,” Records of the Comptroller General, RG-4. The basic record does not prove active duty.
Adams, George – inactive duty Militia; rank: Pvt. Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Unit: 3rd Battalion, 7th company, 6th class; Company: Capt. James Sample; Remarks: “Dqt” Order from Council dated January, 1778. Authority: Fine Book of John Carothers, Cnty. Lt., p. 149. “Military Accounts: Militia,” Records of the Comptroller General, at D. P. R. The basic record does not prove active duty.
Adams, Jacob – inactive duty Militia; Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Unit: 8th Battalion 4th company, Class 5th, 6th, 7th; Authority: Tax rate of the 8th Battalion; Date: 1780-83. “Military Accounts: Militia,” Records of the Comptroller General, RG-4. The basic record does not prove active duty.
Adams, Jacob – active duty Militia; rank: Pvt.; Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Unit: 5th Battalion, 3rd Company, Class 5th; Time of service: Order from Council Dated January 1778; Company or Commander: Capt. Thomas Thompson; Duty: Served; Authority: Fine Book of John Carothers, Cnty. Lt., pl 127. “Military Accounts,” Records of the Comptroller General, or Auditor General, at D.P.R. The basic record proves active duty.
Adams, Jacob – Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Militia; Certificate: 4193 pay 9 pounds; Certificate issued May 11, 1785 (original certificate).Register, Vol. A, page 122. Militia loan of 1 Apr. 1784 & 30 Mar 1785, Public Debt.” Records of the Comptroller General at D.P.R. Where a military connection is specified (but not elsewhere) the basic record proves active duty.
Adams, Jacob – Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Militia; Certificate 14,786; pay total: 2.9.0; Certificate issued: 9 July 1787. Counterfoil; Authorities: Register, Vol. B, p. 157; Militia loan of 1 Apr. 1784 & 30 Mar 1785, Public Debt.” Records of the Comptroller General at D.P.R. Where a military connection is specified (but not elsewhere) the basic record proves active duty.
Adams, Jacob – Washington County, Pennsylvania Militia; Certificate 1325 total pay 5.12.0; Certificate issued 10, Nov. 1784 (original certificate). Authorities: Register, Vol. A, p. 44; Militia loan of 1 Apr. 1784 & 30 Mar 1785, Public Debt.” Records of the Comptroller General at D.P.R. Where a military connection is specified (but not elsewhere) the basic record proves active duty.
Adams, Jacob – inactive duty Militia; Washington County, Pennsylvania Militia; Rank: Pvt.; Unit: 5th Battalion, 3rd Company, class 5th; Remarks: (1781-1783); Authority: C/R; Date: not dated; Published: A(6), II. p. 210. “Military Accounts: Militia,” Records of the Comptroller General, RG-4. The basic record does not prove active duty.
Adam, Jacob – inactive duty Militia; Cumberland County, Pennsylvania 8th Battalion, Company: Capt. Fleming, Kishacoqullia Valley, class 5th; Remarks: is on frontier, must move family, break up settlement entirely on duty scouting 4 weeks in summer in Regul’s Clagss? March for pay. Authority: Appeal book.; Date: 23 August 1780; muster Fines: in pounds 22.10.0. “Military Accounts: Militia,” Records of the Comptroller General, RG-4. The basic record does not prove active duty.
Adams, John – inactive duty Militia; Cumberland County, Pennsylvania; Unit: 8th Battalion, 3rd company, 7th class; Remarks: A man of low circumstances; Authority: Appeal Book; Date: April 10, 1778. “Military Accounts: Militia,” Records of the Comptroller General, RG-4. The basic record does not prove active duty.
Adams, James – Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Militia; Rank: Capt.; Certificate 11328; total pay 9 pounds; Certificate issued 22 March 1786 Counterfoil. Authorities Register, vol. B, page 51; Militia loan of 1 Apr. 1784 & 30 Mar 1785, Public Debt.” Records of the Comptroller General at D.P.R. Where a military connection is specified (but not elsewhere) the basic record proves active duty.
Since Lancaster formed from Cumberland:
Adams, John – active duty Militia; Lancaster County, Pennsylvania; Rank: Pvt.; Unit 1st, 2nd, and 8th Battalion; Commander Capt. John Smith; Authority: Muster Rolls Sept.1781, A(5) VII, page 840. “Military Accounts,” Records of the Comptroller General, or Auditor General, at D.P.R. The basic record proves active duty.
Adams, Isaac – active duty Militia; rank: Capt. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Unit: 4th and 1st; Time of service: Fall 1777 Company or Commander: Col. Elder; Duty: Entered Oct. 9; Authority: Muster Rolls Whitemarch Dec. 9, 1777; A(5) (VII, 1090-1091. “Military Accounts,” Records of the Comptroller General, or Auditor General, at D.P.R. The basic record proves active duty.
Adams, Isaac – inactive duty Militia; rank: Capt. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Unit: 9th Battalion, 4th Company; Authority: Non attendance return (1777-1780); Date: not dated.
“Military Accounts: Militia,” Records of the Comptroller General, RG-4. The basic record does not prove active duty.
Adams, Isaac – inactive duty Militia; Lancaster County, Pennsylvania; Unit: 3rd Battalion, Company 5th, Class 4th; Authority: C/R (1780); Date: not dated; Published: A(5) VII 240-241.
“Military Accounts: Militia,” Records of the Comptroller General, RG-4. The basic record does not prove active duty.

Additional Notes:
From Beck Carson To: David 2/19/2013
Do you know who this Sidney Adams is?
1830 US Census; Census Place: Donegal, Washington, Pennsylvania; Page: 302; NARA Series: M19; Roll Number: 163; Family History Film: 0020637.
Name: Sidney Adams
Free White Persons – Males – 70 thru 79: 1 (1751-1760)
Free White Persons – Females – 10 thru 14: 1 (1816-1820)
Free White Persons – Females – 30 thru 39: 1 (1791-1800)
Free White Persons – Females – 70 thru 79: 1 (1751-1760)
Free White Persons – Under 20: 1
Free White Persons – 20 thru 49: 1
Total Free White Persons: 4
Total – All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 4