Family A411 (John Edward Adams)
This family is represented by Debbie Aldrich (John Edward Adams).
Generation 1 – Hugh Adams
(b. Aug. 1833 in PA– d.22 Apr 1907)
Wife: Lucinda Cooper – married 17 Apr 1857, Belmont, Ohio – d. 1909
- Arissa J. Adams (Jun 1857 -15 Apr 1863) – Died as infant. Born in Virginia. Died
April 15, 1863 Aged 5 Y’rs. 10 Mo’s. & 2(2?) D’s. - David F. Adams (1858 – 1949) – Born in Onio
- John W Adams (1861-????) – Born in Virginia
- Mary E. Adams (Jan 1864 – 8 Apr. 1865) – Died as infant. Died
April 8, 1865 Aged 1 Y’r. 3 Mo’s. & 22 D’s. - Jonah Ephriam Adams (1864 – 1939) – Born in Indiana
- Nathaniel Adams (13 Aug 1869 – 22 Feb 1870) -Died as infant. Died Feb. 22, 1870
Aged (6?) M. 9 D. - Cora Bell Adams (22 Dec 1871 – 11 Feb 1873) – Died as infant – Died Feb. 11, 1873 Aged 1 Y. 1 M. 19 D.
- Lenora Adams ( 27 Nov 1871 – 16 Jan 1872) – Died as infant – Died Jan. 16, 1872
Aged 1 M. 20 Days. - Charles B. Adams (1874 – xxxx) – Born in Indiana
Location Timeline:
1833 – Birth – Pennsylvania per draft card and census
1857 – Belmont Ohio – Marriage to Lucinda Cooper
1860 – Tyler, Virginia – 1860- Census lists David F, Arrissa and Archimedes Cooper (15 year old Day Laboror) in household. Also listed right above Hugh us Jonah Cooper age 46 (is he Lucinda’s father?) Hugh is listed as farm hand.
1863 – Tyler Co West Virginia – Civil War draft registration – Farmer
1870 – White River, Hamilton, Indiana near Noblesville – 1870 Census – David F, John W and Jonah but no Arrissa. Hugh is a farmer. There is an Issac Cooper on the same page age 52 listed as born in Ohio.
1880 – Wayne, Hamilton, Indiana – 1800 Census (no Arissa listed) – Lists both Hugh’s parents as from PA. He is a Farmer. Lucinda’s parents are both listed as from OH. John W. born in Virginia. Jonah E and Charles B. are both listed as being born in Indiana.
1880 – 1887 – Moved to Norton/Thomas Kansas
1886 – moved to Kansas (based on grandchildren’s birth dates in 1900 census)
1900 – Harrison, Norton, Kansas – 1900 Census
1907 and 1909 – Burred in Carey Cemetery, Noblesville, Hamilton County, Indiana – Died in Harrison, Norton, Kansas, USA

Generation 2 – Jonah Ephriam Adams
(b. 1864 – d. 1939 Wichita, Sedgwick, Kansas)
Wife: Lavina Adeline Scott (b 1866 – )
married 17 Aug 1884 Belmont, Hamilton Ohio
- Clinton Carlson Adams (1887 – 1960)
- Charles William Adams (1888 – )
- Hugh Tobias Adams(1891 – 1949)
- Lueffa Adams (1893 – 1986)
- Lavina Adams (1896 – )
- Sylvia E Adams (1897-1973)
- Elias Westin Adams (1899 – )
- Blanche Adams (1903 – )
- Lance Adams (1903 – )
- Irene Adams (1907 – )
From: “Marilyn” <>
Subject: Adams from PA to Ohio/WV/Ind/Kansas
Date: Sat, 13 May 2006 10:28:24 -0500
References: <>
I am trying to locate Adams ancestors from Pennsylvania. My earliest known
person is Hugh Adams, born PA, 1832-4, who married Lucinda Cooper, daughter
of Jonah Cooper, and Matilda Williams, 4/17/1857 in Belmont County, Ohio.
They moved briefly to Tyler County, WV, just before the Civil War, (on 1860
census) probably left there between 1862 and 1866 (based on birthplace of
children) but definitely were in Hamilton County, Indiana by 1870, with a
family. Children at 1870 were David F., b 1858 Ohio, John W., b 1862 VA
(before it became WV), Jonah E., b. 1866 Ind (actual date is Feb. 1864). By
the 1880 census they had additional child, Charles B., born Ind. 1874.
There were also children who died: Arrissa J., b. Ohio 1855, d. 1863;
Mary E., b. 1864, d. 1865; Lenora, b & d. 1872; Cora Bell, b. 1871, d. 1873;
gravestones for all of those are in Carey Cemetery, White River Twp.,
Hamilton Co. Ind. Hugh and Lucinda went to Norton County, Kansas, with one
son, Jonah E. Adams, and his wife, Louvina Adeline Scott Adams, b. Ind.
12/10/1865, about 1886 based on grandchildren’s births (were on 1900 census)
but were both returned for burial in Hamilton County, Indiana, in 1907 and
1909, respectively (Carey Cemetery).
I cannot find any parents or siblings for Hugh Adams, and don’t know where
in PA he came from. There are several Hugh Adams during that period in PA,
but cannot determine which is correct. I think the Adamses came from PA
with the Cooper family into which Hugh married, since the Coopers are listed
in census records as born in PA (John Cooper, Lucinda’s grandfather, b. PA
1785, married Nancy Mercer b. NC, both listed on 1870 census living
separately with family members.) The Coopers were in Belmont Co. Ohio by at
least 1834, and there is a rumor they were from Washington Co., Pa.
One possibility is Ephram Adams, b. Pa 1812 and Elizabeth, b. Pa. 1823, on
Belmont Co. Ohio 1850 census, although Elizabeth could not be Hugh’s mother.
No children are shown with them. Hugh’s son Jonah was named Jonah Ephraim.
There is also a Jonah Adams on the 1830 census for Allegheny Co. Pa.
Do any of these names ring any bells?
1834/35, married Lucinda Cooper in Belmont County, Ohio in 1857, living in Tyler Co., Va. (now WV) in 1860, living in Hamilton County, Ind. 1880, moved to Norton/Thomas Cos., Kansas between 1880-1887, living in Norton Co. Kansas 1900, near son Jonah Adams and wife Louvina Scott Adams. Hugh and Lucinda were both buried in Carey Cemetery, Hamilton Co., Indiana, 1907 and 1909, where four of their children who died early were buried.
I have obtained some information on the Cooper line, and on Louvina
Scott Adams' Whelchel (her mother Sarah's) line (Shelby, Hamilton Cos.,
Ind.) I have no information on Louvina's father, Benjamin Scott, b. ca.
1835-40.Any information would be appreciated.
From: <>
Subject: Re: [ADAMS-L] Adams from PA to Ohio/WV/Ind/Kansas
Date: Sat, 13 May 2006 15:06:14 -0500
References: <> <001701c676a1$e14d7580$fd62e304@pavilion>
Marilyn, You are trying to locate HUGH ADAMS, b. 1832 from PA. I don’t if
we connect or not, but I am looking for any HUGH ADAMS (born abt 1775) most
likely in VA.
I am looking for the parents and siblings of JOHN ADAMS born 1802 VA (that
part of VA that became WVA between 1860 and 1870. I believe his father to
be HUGH ADAMS b 1775 and ELEANOR ELLETTwho had a son JOHN ADAMS born 1802.
We have all the same names, migration etc. HUGH and ELEANOR were in KY in
the 1820 Pulaski Co. census living two or three doors from the BELLS. My
JOHN ADAMS b 1802 married NANCY BELL (b 1802 in KY) in Monroe Co. IN in
JOHN & NANCY’S children were:
JAMES H. ADAMS b abt 1828
HUGH CALVIN ADAMS babt 1829 d. April 27, 1865, Dalton GA in the Civil War.
WILLIAM RILEY ADAMS b 1831, Bean Blossom Twp.Monroe Co. IN d. January 08,
JOHN M./QUENCY ADAMS b April 03, 1835, d May 22, 1893
ANCIL MONROE ADAMS b June 07, 1838, d. February 10, 1900
HUGH ADAMS b abt 1775 (VA?)and ELEANOR ELLETT’S children:
REBECCA ADAMS b Oct. 10, 1800
JOHN ADAMS b February 24, 1802 There was a John Adams, right age in Pulaski
Co. IN that married a JANE HORTON/HOOTEN in 1843. I believe this wife was
attached to JOHN in error.
MARIAH ADAMS b May 3, 1809
RACHEL ADAMS b in KY Nov. 29, 1812 d, Oct, 28 1885, m WILLIAM SALES
HUGH ADAMS b February 27, 1815
I have quite a bit of info on these familes and on down from their birth
dates. I just haven’t been to prove that HUGH’S son JOHN b 1802 is my JOHN.
I do have contacts with several of HUGH’S descendants with extensive family
I also have photos of my JOHN’S ( b 1802) son ANCIL and HUGH’S (b 1775)
grandson ANCEL and they look like twins.
I don’t know if any of this might help you or not, but if you see any
connection, let me know.
—– Original Message —–
From: “Marilyn” <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2006 10:28 AM
Subject: [ADAMS-L] Adams from PA to Ohio/WV/Ind/Kansas
> I am trying to locate Adams ancestors from Pennsylvania. My earliest
> person is Hugh Adams, born PA, 1832-4, who married Lucinda Cooper,
> of Jonah Cooper, and Matilda Williams, 4/17/1857 in Belmont County, Ohio.
> They moved briefly to Tyler County, WV, just before the Civil War, (on
> census) probably left there between 1862 and 1866 (based on birthplace of
> children) but definitely were in Hamilton County, Indiana by 1870, with a
> family. Children at 1870 were David F., b 1858 Ohio, John W., b 1862 VA
> (before it became WV), Jonah E., b. 1866 Ind (actual date is Feb. 1864).
> the 1880 census they had additional child, Charles B., born Ind. 1874.
> There were also children who died: Arrissa J., b. Ohio 1855, d. 1863;
> Mary E., b. 1864, d. 1865; Lenora, b & d. 1872; Cora Bell, b. 1871, d.
> gravestones for all of those are in Carey Cemetery, White River Twp.,
> Hamilton Co. Ind. Hugh and Lucinda went to Norton County, Kansas, with
> son, Jonah E. Adams, and his wife, Louvina Adeline Scott Adams, b. Ind.
> 12/10/1865, about 1886 based on grandchildren’s births (were on 1900
> but were both returned for burial in Hamilton County, Indiana, in 1907 and
> 1909, respectively (Carey Cemetery).
> I cannot find any parents or siblings for Hugh Adams, and don’t know where
> in PA he came from. There are several Hugh Adams during that period in
> but cannot determine which is correct. I think the Adamses came from PA
> with the Cooper family into which Hugh married, since the Coopers are
> in census records as born in PA (John Cooper, Lucinda’s grandfather, b. PA
> 1785, married Nancy Mercer b. NC, both listed on 1870 census living
> separately with family members.) The Coopers were in Belmont Co. Ohio by
> least 1834, and there is a rumor they were from Washington Co., Pa.
> One possibility is Ephram Adams, b. Pa 1812 and Elizabeth, b. Pa. 1823, on
> Belmont Co. Ohio 1850 census, although Elizabeth could not be Hugh’s
> No children are shown with them. Hugh’s son Jonah was named Jonah
> There is also a Jonah Adams on the 1830 census for Allegheny Co. Pa.
> Do any of these names ring any bells?
> Thanks,
> Marilyn
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