Family A322
Robert Adams (b. circa 1760)
John Adams & Linda Adams >Please leave comment to contact
Richard (Rick) Adams > Please leave comment to contact
Data taken from personal family file on (you must be a member to access file).
This family is represented by John Adams and his brother Rick Adams. John and Rich’s oldest known ancestors are Robert Adams and his son James Adams. Robert’s origin is unknown but his son James Adams was born in Rockbridge, Virginia and died in Indiana.

Generation 1 – Robert Adams
(b. circa 1760)
Married: Martha Fletcher (b. circa 1760)
- James Adams (1799 Rockbridge Co., VA – d. 1879 IN)
Generation 2 – James Adams
(b. 1799 VA – d. 1879 IN)
Married: Nancy Wiley (b. 1794)
- Lorenza Adams
- Robert A. Adams (b. 1824 – d. 1858)
- Hugh Adams (b. 1827 – d.1865)
- John Adams (b.1828 – d.1923)
- James Lindsey Adams (b. 1830 VA – 1907 IN) Married: Sarah Little
- Mary Elizabeth Adams (1840 – d. 1904)

Generation 3 – James Lindsey Adams
(b. 1830 VA – d. 1907 Wabash Co., IN)
Married: Sarah W. Little (b. 1825 – d. 1912)
- Martha D. Adams (abt.1854) [possible duplicate)
- Martha D. Adams (b.1854) – d.1919)
- Adelphus Adams (b. 1856 – d. 1943) Married: Rowena M. Chapler
- James D. Adams (b.1857)
- Aldemar E. Adams (b. 1863)
- Hugh Alexander Adams (b. 1867)
- John Adams (abt.1867)
Generation 4 – Adelphus Adams
(b.1856 Wabash Co. IN – d. 1943 Wabash Co., IN
Married: Rowena M. Chapler (b. 1860)
- Eva Margaret Adams (b.1884)
- Hugh C. Adams (b. 1887 Wabash Co. IN – d. 1970 St. Petersburg, FL)
- Dayton Adams (b. 1890)
- Lavon Adams (b. 1893)
- Robert L. Adams (b. 1899)
Generation 5 – Hugh C. Adams
(b. 1887 Wabash Co. IN – d. 1970 St. Petersburg, FL)
Married: Maude Jones (b.1889 – d. 1973)
- John H. Adams (b. 1917 – d. 1997)
Generation 6 – John H. Adams
(b. 1917 Chicago, Cook Co., IL – d. 1997 St. Petersburg, Pinellas, FL
Married: Elsie Elizabeth Peterson (b. 1917– d. 1973)
- Marilyn Adams (b. 1941)
- Richard J. Adams (b. 1948)
- John H. Adams (b.1951)
From John to David re: Little family
David, Your family is Intertwined with the Culbertsons . My family has that same connection with a Little family. The Little’s came from Down Co. Ireland in the early 1700s and settled in Botetourt Co. Virginia. My triple great grandmother was Sarah Little Adams. Her family was very large and moved from Virginia to Ohio in the early 1800s. And then part of the family moved to Indiana in the 1830s When my Adams family moved from Virginia to Indiana. One of the Little family members was Colonel Charles Little. Who was a Pallbearer for George Washington. I have at least three relatives who married Little’s. Thirteen family members are buried next to each other, both Adams and Little in a small cemetery in Indiana. All died in the 1800s. What I am getting at is James Adams born in 1799 in Virginia. His family may have come from Down Down Co. Ireland with the Little’s
I told you the story about my great, great grandmother was Sarah Little Adams. Her great, great grandfather was John Little 1700-1793 born in Co. Down Ulster Ireland. He died in Botetourt Co. Virginia. They came from the same city in Ireland as William Adams. The Father of Samuel Adams in your story. I wonder when he was born? This is getting stranger by the minute.
From: David Scifres – Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 11:47 AM
To: Linda Adams
Wow!! Very exciting. I’m going to copy some of the others as well on my reply so they can keep up with your finds too. I feel like we are making very real progress here.
We need to find the Adams located near your John Little in Chester, Lancaster and Franklin (this may all be the same property depending on when these listings occurred even though it looks like different counties it may not be). The Adams you find around John little will be very important. Have you looked up his land warrants to see who his properties are next to and if they appear to be the same locations?
I know of one Adams in Chester already, a WIlliam Adams in 1735 – 150 Acres Patent #12 – that is an early one for sure. He aparently already had land there as it was adjoing his own land. Fallowfield appears to be between Philadelphia and Harrisburg. Is your John Little there? See below for the general area.
I don’t think people really lived west of the Susquehanna River until the 1740s and most records I’ve found for the area west of it start in 1749 when Cumberland was created for the sole purpose of encouraging the Scots-Irish to move there for two purposes. First, a buffer between the populated areas of PA and the Native American population and second, quiet social unrest these somewhat rowdy, strong and outspoken Scots-Irsh created. They even named the new county after where a lot of them came from (including our Adams as indicated in the Will of William Adams of family A364) the Parrish of Cumber in the county of Londonderry of Norther Ireland.
This William Adams of Chester I mentioned above has the potential be the father of the brothers in family A364 and grandfather to my John Adams of A265. He is the right age anyway and the time and area are right. Of course, there is always the possibility the father never came overseas from Ireland.
I don’t believe Rev. John Culbertson is a direct descendant of mine based on previously published histories of the Culbertsons but, he was most likely on of the first of that clan on the western front of PA and a cousin for sure.
Send me everything you find on John Little’s land please.
From: Linda To: David On Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 10:48 AM,
Linda Adams wrote:
David I just added a Story of land owned by my 6th Great maternal grandfather. John Little born in Ireland in 1700. Our DNA took me back to Chester Co. PA And this is where I found this story. He owned property in Chester, Lancaster, York and Franklin Counties Pa. John Little was in the register of Marriages and Baptisms performed by a Rev. John Cuthbertson ( could this be your Culbertson). He then moved to Virginia And I had those records. This was a great find . I just need to find property owned by my Adams’s in Virginia.